ecumenical youth way of the cross

With the release of JesusArt, the ecumenical Youth Way of the Cross App, on November 28, 2016, we completed another great project. The app contains print media, songs and artwork of the different stations, which are made available in the form of a digital Stations of the Cross. Thus, there is the possibility to participate digitally in the Stations of the Cross. In addition, users are confronted with current topics and the simultaneous connection to the Passion of Jesus is established. The artist Mika Springwald also provided his artwork for the intensive examination of Jesus and the events in the world. Users can choose how they want to walk the Stations of the Cross through the Single Prayer, Multi Prayer and Administrator Prayer. Whether alone, in a group, or even as a leader with the congregation, anything is possible!
The JesusArt app was launched by the German Bishops' Conference's Office for Youth Pastoral Care (afj), the Association of German Catholic Youth (BDKJ) and the Association of Protestant Youth in Germany (aej).
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