Canisius Pilgrim Pass
Welcome to the Canisius Way!

Since February 13, 2021, the lifestyle app Canisius Pilgrim Passport can be found in the App Store and Google Play. Canisius Pilgrim Passport was commissioned by the IHS Jesuits in Central Europe and is primarily intended to serve pilgrims who want to start a digital pilgrimage to 33 different pilgrimage sites in Europe and the USA. On this journey, St. Peter Canisius will accompany you and show you the life, work and spirituality of the Jesuits. Canisius Pilgrim Passport is a spiritual, informative and playful app for any age and group of people that provides a pilgrimage in a new way, especially in times of the Corona pandemic. Through the Facebook share function, it is also possible to keep fellow pilgrims up to date on which station you are at. In this way, you do not go on a digital pilgrimage alone, but together.
With almost 3,000 installations by now and an average rating of 4.0 /5 stars, Canisius Pilgrim Pass is already a complete success.
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