Unsinkable Sam
The adventure of an extraordinary cat

For: PC (Windows)
Release: In Development
Type: Puzzles and skill
Genre: 2D-Jump & Run-Action-Adventure
Target audience: Puzzles, Jump & Run Fans
Prototype development: Nov 2019 – Apr 2021
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For Windows
The 2D jump & run action adventure game Unsinkable Sam tells the captivating story of the most famous ship’s cat of World War II, who survived three successive sinking of Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy warships. In this historically accurate 2D jump & run adventure, the player controls a small ship cat through 3 levels, each with 15 chapters and 20 sub-levels, framed by hand-drawn cutscenes. In the process, the player must steer the ship’s cat through various warship compartments. The player must jump over hurdles, but also talk to sailors, interact with objects and equipment of a warship and solve exciting puzzles, such as when a bulkhead to the next department is stuck and the way is blocked.
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