Make Happy Kampagne

On October 26, 2018, the Archdiocese of Cologne was presented with the certificate for winning the Communication Design Award at the Red Dot Awards ceremony in Berlin.
The reason for this was the advertising campaign for the "Make Happy" app. The app motivates its users to do good deeds in personal, social or environmental areas. Each confirmed good deed earns the user points ("Happy Points"), which then go to charitable projects in the form of a donation by the Archdiocese of Cologne.
The campaign itself took this dot system as an advertising tool and had all the dots, i.e. punctuation marks, i-dots, etc., removed from the front page of the Kölner Wochenspiegel (issue 37 in 2017). The readers' irritation was then resolved on the back page: the Make Happy full-format advertisement with the headline "Wait a minute - where have all the dots gone on the title?". The dots here served as an ambiguous device to draw readers' attention to the app and the points system.
Through high design quality and creative performance, the project team for the print campaign was able to hold its own against more than 8,600 international communication design submissions.