
For: Android & iOS
Published: 23.11.2018
Type: Multiplayer
Genre: Religion
Target group: Young Christians
Price: Free with in-app purchases
For Smartphones …
… and Tablets
The third ecumenical app in the Stations of the Cross series is also an improved version of the previous one. The Youth Way of the Cross app AnsLicht is intended to accompany young Christians on their Way of the Cross with pictures, songs and inspiring texts.
As in previous years, the media included correspond to the multimedia package of the publishers of the Youth Way of the Cross: The Office for Youth Pastoral Care of the German Bishops' Conference (afj), the Association of Protestant Youth in Germany (aej) and the Federation of German Catholic Youth.
The artworks in this app are photography paintings by Ben Willikens and are characterized by their minimalist style with few picture elements. The exclusively black and white motifs are primarily concerned with space and thus figuratively stand for giving oneself and God more space.

About AnsLicht
The predecessors of the Youth Stations of the Cross app AnsLicht are the apps "JesusArt" and "#beimir". Together with AnsLicht, they form a chain of digital Youth Stations of the Cross in the period from 2017 to 2019 and are characterized above all by their extraordinary works of art in combination with the classic Stations of the Cross and contemporary world events.
The Ecumenical Way of the Cross for Youth is sponsored by the Office for Youth Pastoral Care of the German Bishops' Conference (afj), the Association of German Catholic Youth (BDKJ) and the Association of Protestant Youth in Germany (aej).
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