
Für: Android & iOS
Published: 28.11.2016
Type: Multiplayer
Genre: Religion
Target group: Young Christians
Price: Free with in-app purchases
For Smartphones …
… and Tablets
The ecumenical Youth Way of the Cross App JesusArt is the first of the Youth Way of the Cross series. It provides all print media and songs of the different stations and thus offers the possibility to participate digitally in the events.
In the different modes Single Prayer, Multi Prayer and Andministrator Prayer, users can decide whether they want to walk the Stations of the Cross alone, in a group or even as a leader with the congregation.
With the JesusArt Youth Way of the Cross app, users can see their current status in the Way of the Cross and access the artwork and videos provided in the Ecumenical Youth Way of the Cross media package at any time. Embedded silent pauses are designed to provide moments of reflection and calm while using the digital medium. The texts at each station are designed to encourage young people to reflect and introspect, and to bring them into contact with the Passion of Jesus.
About JesusArt
For the first time, the Ecumenical Way of the Cross for Youth is also available in digital form. The print media, songs, and artwork of the multimedia package are made available in the app in the form of a digital Stations of the Cross. Users are confronted with current issues and hotspots, and the simultaneous connection to the passion of Jesus is established. The artist Mika Springwald also provided his artwork for the intensive examination of Jesus and what is happening in the world.
The Ecumenical Way of the Cross for Youth is sponsored by the Office for Youth Pastoral Care of the German Bishops' Conference (afj), the Association of German Catholic Youth (BDKJ) and the Association of Protestant Youth in Germany (aej).
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