
For: Android & IOS
Release: 25.11.2018
Type: Vocation-App
Genre: Lifestyle
Target group: Young Christians

For Smartphones …
The Christian app Vocaris is intended to help young people in particular to find a vocation and possible jobs. Consisting of the three main categories "Prayer", "Vocation" and "Commitment" the young people can do self-assessments of personal abilities and talents, or learn through prayer and suggestions to make difficult decisions too. The Christian-religious aspects are processed in a theologically and educationally valuable way, especially in relation to current topics such as environmental protection, humanity and self-realization for children and young people.
Accompanying the user is St. Ignatius of Loyola to explain the use of the various functions and to give additional suggestions on the respective topic.
About Vocaris
Vocaris was commissioned by the Office for Youth Pastoral Care of the German Bishops' Conference (afj). The app was realized with the partners "Zukunftswerkstatt" of the Jesuits in Frankfurt, the consulting agency "XPand Deutschland" and the Bonifatiuswerk of the German Catholics and the programming by TELLUX next GmbH. QM Game Consulting took over the development and producing.
… and Tablets
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