Innovative projects
"Doing the old in a new way - that's innovation."
Joseph Alois Schumpeter
Even if technologies such as Virtual Reality or Cross Media productions
have already found their way into society, their potential is still in its infancy.
Have the courage to dream, use the possibilities of technology to your advantage.
Always be one step ahead of the competition and create something new with us!
Innovation? always one step ahead!
Wallenfels AR-App
Die Wallenfels Augmented Reality 3D-App bietet den Nutzern die Möglichkeit eine neues maßgenaues Brillengestell direkt in der App zu bestellen. Mittels eines 3D Druckers werden die Brillengestelle gedruckt und direkt zum Optiker geliefert.
Canisius Pilgrim Pass
Embark on a journey with Peter Canisius and explore the different pilgrimage sites of the Jesuit Pilgrim Pass. Each location has a story, videos, pictures and mini-games. Compete against your fellow pilgrims and achieve 1st place in the ranking!
Blautopf VR
Explore places to which hardly anyone has access? Blautopf VR - an impressive virtual reality experience of the Blauhöhlen complex in southern Germany! Whether informative or as a mystery game adventure, with smartphone, tablet or VR glasses!
Make Happy
Doing good pays off! With Make Happy, users get a task every day to do good for themselves, for others or for the environment. Every good deed earns Happy Points, which are donated to social or environmental projects.
EMS Former
The EMS Ware training app offers a variety of options for training, saving training and user profiles and tracking personal progress. The EMS Shaper app can control up to 8 EMS Ware suits individually.
The game aims to teach children the fun of coding in a playful way. With the self-programmable gamepad and the SensorBots, you can use light, heat, sound and kinetic energy to master the 15 levels!
YES or kNOw
The quiz game offers fun for the whole family through the digital connection of smartphone and tablet. With over 1500 questions, different game modes and questions to match the age, the app for the game is indispensable.
Sari Revolution
You play the young Indian Renu, who makes it her business to document the gender problems of her country. However, be careful when following up leads, because fiction and reality are often closer together than you might like...
Scotland Yard
The classic game of 1983 is now reloaded! Hunt Mister X with new features! With exciting augmented reality elements and additional location features, old game fun is polished up with the latest technology!
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